Yat Yway Thone Packs

For the convenience of customers, new packs can be used Yat Yway Thone 500 Kyats . If users use the 500 Kyats Yat Yway Thone Pack, you can use it for 2 days within 4 days. The customer must use Myanmar Net Wi-Fi connection only on the day of use and disconnect “Auto Connect” on the day of non-use. But you don’t need to “Forget Network” the User ID and Password.

For example, since the usage date will be calculated from 12:00 am, if you do not want to use it after the first day, you must stop at 11:59 pm.

YYT PacksPrice (MMK)Regular SpeedDataBuying
2 Days
(within 4 days)
5002.5 MbpsUnlimitedMyanmar Net Application (or) Scratch Card
4 Days
(within 7 days)
10002.5 MbpsUnlimitedMyanmar Net Application

within 4 days

within 7 days