Ah Wa Thone Plans (Monthly Unlimited Internet)

1. What is Myanmar Net Ah Wa Thone Internet
Monthly Internet Plan for the whole family with unlimited access.

2. What is the most affordable plan?
To provide affordable internet access for everyone, Ah Wa Thone plans are started from as low as 10,500 Ks per month.

3. What is the connectivity status of 10,500 Ks plan?
To provide better connectivity and full bandwidth, CPE is installed for not only 10,500 Ks plan but also for all Myanmar Net plans.

4. What is CPE?
CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) is the equipment installed at the place of the Myanmar Net Ah Wa Thone users for better connectivity with full coverage at home.

5. What kinds of services are provided to the Ah Wa Thone Subscribers?
Ah Wa Thone users are provided with OTG Account Cards, Door to Door Bill Collection services and free access to Myanmar Cast Internet TV subscription service.

6. What is OTG Account Card
OTG (On the Go) Account card, Ah Wa Thone subscribers can access the internet everywhere in Myanmar Net coverage areas.

7. Payment method for monthly fees?
Aside from Door to door Bill Collection service, monthly fees can be paid at Myanmar Net Stores and Resellers, branches of AYA, CB and KBZ Banks & their Mobile Banking Apps and Citizen Pay.

8. How to subscribe for Ah Wa Thone internet?
Please contact Myanmar Net Customer Service at 09 76555 8440 / 8441 (8 am to 5:00 pm), Chatbots from Myanmar Net Application or Myanmar Net Website www.myanmarnet.com and email to cs@myanmarnet.com.