Myanmar Net BIZ (Mandalay and Other Cities)

Reliable service in Mandalay, Myeikhtila, Naypyitaw, Pyinmanar, Bago, Taungoo, Mawlamyine, Taunggyi and Magway which can be used for both Fiber and Wireless at a time.

  • Dedicated Account Owner
  • 48 Hours Customer ticket resolutions
  • Deploy wireless and Fiber, both line at the same time and you can still access internet for up to 40 Mbps even after one line is down

Required to sign 6 months contract without down-payment.


  • One Time Charges for 1 line – 18,000 Ks
  • Deposit – 10,000 Ks

There are many other plans up to 1,010,000 kyats depend on their speeds.

Enjoy many programs from TVie by using TV or Phone with Business Internet.